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May 19, 2005


Eyes falling out of head

oh my god, someone hand me a towel to wipe the drool off my desk. love the new pic ms juicy, or is it old and i just havent been by for a while? so predictable of me i know, but hells teeth! you look good :) And its not only my shiny fetish talking honest..


Ah, the faint whiff of Spandex and Hairspray

Juicy's Stalker

But how can they make one song last two hours???


And yes, nice pic!


Dragon, you can stalk me any time you like ;o)

Glad you like the picture I have to thank Pix for that.

Spandex....if only - lol, but the denim jeans did have quite a good effect - GOD DAMN!

Amber Kelps

Hello everyone...looking forward to using this site!

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