Quite a while ago, Stalker set me a challenge, it has taken some time but I have finally come through (I think) so here goes!
The total number of DVDs, videos, and films I own.
This is not impossible to answer but it is quite a challenge. I have at least 200 - 250 DVDs, videos..... hmm about 150 that are mine and about 200 plus that are my ex-boyfriends, to which I have already sold 50 -60, Going to try and sell the rest which will make more room for my DVD's
The last film I brought.
I brought a few, they were: You Got Served, Labrinth (I couldn't resist it), The Jacket, Porky's, The Village, Teen Wolf 1 & 2 (it was a double DVD) and Destination Anywhere.
The last film I watched.
Hmmm, on DVD it was You Got Served, At the cinema it was Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire. DOn't really watch much TV, I would rather listen to music.
My favourite five films of all time, ever.
Stalker was right on this one, how can you limit yourself to only 5 films?
1. The Rocky Horror Show
2. The Lost Boys
3. Grease
4. Never Been Kissed
5. 10 Things I hate about you
(but I would also like to add Unconditional Love and The Crow in there somewhere)
Whats the film that you own that you have necer taken the wrapper off since you brought it?
Well I didn't buy it but it is something like Sorerity Hell, see I can't even remember what the name of it is called. It was a christmas present from my nan, but there was no thought in it, especially as it came from a £1 shop.
What is the most embarassing film in your collection?
I don't know, but if you was to look you would probably say my Dirty Dancing 1 and 2 or my Winnie the Pooh ones, but I am not embarassed by them.
I hope this has answered your questions Stalker, I have not tagged anyone, I will leave that up to them if they would like to blog this on their blog with their answers.......
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